Blood Transfusion Alternatives: A Guide to Blood-Free Surgical Options
Alternatives to blood transfusions for emergency and scheduled surgery situations.
Read more…Alternatives to blood transfusions for emergency and scheduled surgery situations.
Read more…Dr Angelova describes herself as: A biomedical scientist and a freelance writer. I write about news not shown in the news. Various sources. Censored information. Inconvenient truth.
Read more…Explaining the pitfalls of pretending to be a Jehovah's Witness or relying on verbal directions to avoid blood transfusions - and how to really protect yourself from unwanted medical interventions, like blood transfusion.
Read more…Loneliness isn't just an emotional state; it can have tangible effects on one's physical and mental well-being. Studies have shown that prolonged feelings of loneliness can lead to depression, anxiety, and even cardiovascular problems.
Read more…One of her questions concerned the anaesthetic and any injectables she would be expected to have. She asked if any of the drugs used in the procedure contained mRNA. The consultant told her –
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