Why pretending to be a Jehovah’s Witness or simply refusing blood won’t keep you safe
Jehovah’s Witnesses and Blood Fractions
The volunteers at My-Medical-Choice.org have spent over 2-years and thousands of hours designing a medical protection system that is tailored specifically for the world in which we now live.
The fact that we have members who work in the NHS (some in ICU/A&E) speaks volumes.
We can only guess they joined because they read the information on our website, maybe watched a couple of videos from our Blog, and with their inside knowledge of how the healthcare service works, they understood that our system will keep them safe in the event of serious illness or accident – why else would they spend a few hours completing their Advance Decision Notice (or living will) and uploading their medical information to their online account page? It’s not something you do for fun.
There are 3 things you really need to understand about the reality of healthcare in the UK – even pre-planned surgeries where you think you’re in control – as this knowledge may prevent you from severe disablement or even save your life:
- If you plan on going down the Jehovah’s Witness route to avoid transfusion, you need to understand that JW’s will often accept transfused blood fractions/fragments (small amounts of blood cells). They are also happy to accept other forms of treatments, including injectables. And they DO NOT accept pre-operative autologous donation – which is your own blood and/or cells sucked out, cleaned up, and stored to use later. Some will not even accept their own blood recycled during surgery. This is important, as autologous donation is the safest form of transfusion of all.
- If you feel confident enough to refuse specified treatments at your pre-operative consultation appointment, even if you later state those wishes on a hospital consent form, this method only works in cases where the operation or treatment goes exactly to plan. If even the slightest thing changes or goes wrong during the procedure, medical staff are free to treat you however they think is best without any consent from you – and this information comes first-hand from an A&E insider.
- In emergencies or situations where the patient can’t communicate, you have no say in your treatment at all. That’s why we designed our medical protection system to:
- Let you state your medical directives in a legally binding document.
- Make sure the document is easily accessible by first responders and medical staff, so it can’t be ignored.
- Give medical staff easy access to your healthcare profile – avoiding medical error.
- Automatically warn your ICE contacts that you’re in hospital.
Don’t wait until it’s too late. If you live in the UK and are serious about protecting your health, join My-Medical-Choice.org today.
A great short video that explains this can be found, below:
Understanding Blood Components and Fractions
My Medical Choice is not here to judge your decision, it is about empowering people to have control over their own healthcare.
My Medical Choice is all about your Medical Autonomy in healthcare and making sure the emergency team treating you follows your specific wishes. When used correctly, it is a powerful system that can notify medical teams about allergies, procedures etc., right down to more personalised decisions such as people concerned about mRNA in blood, and/or, wanting a solution to vaccinated blood (as listed in the examples in some articles).
Just a friendly reminder that no information in this publication constitutes legal or medical advice from My Medical Choice or any of our affiliates and the contents of this document are for educational and support purposes only.